Why we’re launching covid:aid

Michael MacLennan
4 min readApr 14, 2021

This may well be the biggest mission of our lives — and we’re looking for your help.

A small and highly talented team are getting set to launch covid:aid, the first UK-wide charity wholly dedicated to those affected by COVID-19. From today we are looking for your support in the run-up to our launch, however you can provide it.

In this article I’ll explain why we’re starting covid:aid, who we’re looking to support, what we’re planning to do over the next few months once we launch in early May 2021 — and most importantly how your backing will make a huge difference in our efforts to provide vital support to adults, young people, and children.

A changed landscape

The COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally altered the UK. Factors include the sheer scale of the number of deaths, the number of people — roughly estimated to be one in ten, and more than a million in the UK alone — who exhibit symptoms for 12 weeks or longer (known as Long COVID), those who have experienced trauma as a result of hospitalisation, as well as the effects on mental and physical health and wellbeing for a significant proportion of the population.

With no UK-wide initiative or charity specifically dedicated to supporting those affected by the pandemic, we believe that there is a vital need for a new charity as the pandemic begins to shift into its next phase — from crisis to chronic. It is evident that the effects of COVID-19 will be with us for years to come, as we enter a period of recovery and reflection.


Is there a need for a COVID-specific charity? After all, the public and social sectors, charities, community groups, and other local organisations have all been doing amazing work — and refocusing existing services.

The simple answer is Yes. All those organisations have enviable reputations in their respective fields, however, we would argue that a more joined up and holistic approach is required. This would involve organisations working collaboratively with existing services to identify and fill the gaps within service provision.


covid:aid will be the first UK charity wholly dedicated to supporting those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic across the country, providing a vital range of support to adults, young people, and children.

Who we’re looking to help

Of course, literally everyone in the country has been affected in some way. And though we have a grand vision (more on that later), as of writing this we are a small handful of people with no major backing behind us. With this in mind we plan to launch as soon as possible as an online hub with basic services in place, quickly growing and adapting as we identify the most urgent needs. Initially we will focus on three groups:

  • Those with Long COVID
  • Those traumatised from having COVID-19
  • Families of COVID-19 victims

What we’ll do in the short term

The initial ways we will provide digital support include:

  • Ensuring people can find the support they require, wherever they are and however they need
  • Hosting spaces for people to talk, through discussion forums and other groups
  • Telling the stories of those affected, and ensuring our voices aren’t forgotten
  • Highlighting issues of concern to the media and UK governments, and looking to positively influence the shape of public policy
  • Developing new services through speaking to those affected to identify current gaps — and working together to build solutions

We will set up to be flexible and adapt swiftly as we discover more about what our community needs. Over the medium and longer term we will be looking to develop and launch bespoke online and offline services, taking a collaborative approach both internally and with existing organisations.

Our vision

Every single adult, young person, and child in the UK should be able to easily find and access the vital support they require to deal with the traumatic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

How you can help

We are planning to publicly launch in early May 2021, and are already starting to build ourselves up as a digital community-led charity who can change and save lives. We will be innovative, bold, and show how much a modern charity with a startup mentality can achieve.

We would love your support, however you can provide it:

  • If you have the time to volunteer please fill out our signup form. We are looking for a wide range of voluntary help, so please get in contact whatever your skills and experience
  • Right now every penny will help us to get up and running, if you’re able to make a one-time or monthly donation
  • Can your employers help? We’re looking for corporate support and would love to partner with companies, agencies, and anyone who can boost covid:aid
  • We would also love it if you can spread the word. If you know others who will be interested, please point them in our direction. Follow us on our social media channels — we’re getting started on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram so far, plus you can subscribe to our newsletter — and when we do launch please tell the world!
  • Also, please get in contact if you have any thoughts, suggestions, or want to chat about possibilities

However you are able to support us, we will be massively appreciative. We want to have you on board as we build up our community and ensure that covid:aid isn’t just a charity, but becomes a UK-wide movement which changes lives for the better.

– Michael MacLennan, Founder, covid:aid



Michael MacLennan

Founder of covid:aidcharity. Occasional drinker of whisky. Habitual runner of roads.